People often ask me about my studio and where and how I work at home. The truth is that I have a studio and use it for writing, communicating with clients, storage for artist supplies etc., but spend very little time painting in there. My favorite place to paint is my front porch. I have a good view of my bird feeders and gardens. We live next to a farm and I can see their meadows and their horse from there along with a good view of the surrounding hills.

Can you see see why I like to work out there?
When the weather isn’t good (which unfortunately is often the case as I live just south of Buffalo) I often sit at my dining room table to work. We have a sliding glass doors over a back patio that over looks the forest behind us and I can often see deer, fox and other wildlife from there.

I’m really lucky to have such a great place to paint! And I haven’t mentioned my terrific husband: I like to be where we can chat from my working area and our house is tiny it works for me to be at the table in our dining room, which overlooks the rest of our living space. It’s wonderful to have a supportive spouse that’s willing to put up with all my artist supplies cluttering up our small living space.

Last but not least is another reason I love my workspace: My pet Basset Hound, Roxy, now nearly 13 years old who is my constant amusement and sometimes muse. She follows me everywhere and can often be found on a chair next to mine while I paint. She’s mellow and funny and just a darned good coworker!